As well as seeing how all the townspeople truly care about each other when the player is going to the Forest of Beginnings is touching. The side characters are also great in this Arc, seeing how they also care about the new Guardians and for Venti is quite sweet. Watching him struggle to choose is path is a really interesting mini plot point, and I really enjoyed it. And even though they don't have their memories back for this arc, seeing how the Guardians care for Venti is quote heart warming as well.ĭoug was also interesting in this arc, seeing how he tried to stop the player from getting the Rune Stones is really interesting. Seeing Venti's grief as the Guardians are returned just tugs at the heart strings. The Rune Stone bosses were quite the challenge, it was fun to have the difficulty cranked up for a bit.Īside from gameplay the story was quite gut wrenching as well, I'm not ashamed to say I cried a least five times. And all the dungeons were quite interesting and fun to explore. Except Leon, I was over leveled, but it applies to everyone else. I might just be saying that because it took me 50 hours, but it still felt longer.Īll of the bosses in this arc were very challenging and I had to go back and battle them a couple of times. I also enjoyed this arc because it felt like the longest.
Plus they're like, the best characters in the game + Clorica and Doug. This Arc was my personal favorite, learning about each of the Guardians one by one was such a thrill. Most of it was be goofing around and trying to learn the controls and such, but most of my time was spent here.
Oh and, I guess a spoiler warning? I don't think I need to put one, but just in case you don't want to be spoiled, please feel free to skip this section. So why don't we go through each arc and talk about my feelings. I poured about 75 hours into my first playthrough of this game. I enjoyed all the characters, and the starting story was super fun. I was immediately pulled into the farming aspect, at first I thought it'd be a chore but it was actually really exciting. I went in completely blind, aside from knowing some marriage events. (cough cough play Fantasy Life)Ībout a couple months later, shortly after Animal Crossing New Horizon's release, I had enough money, and was able to get the game. It reminded me of another game title I played years back, Fantasy Life. I was drawn to the game because of the cutesey art style the sprites had, as well as how much fun the game looked. I didn't watch anything about the story as it immediately decided I had to play the game. Watching videos about the confessions and marriage events. For more tips, tricks, and guides, be sure to search for Twinfinite.I first discovered this game, oh I dunno, about late January this year? I was recommended a video introducing the bachelors, and I got curious and watched it.
That’s everything you need to know on how to get Invisible Stones in Rune Factory 4 and what they do. That way, you can put the money into something that interests you more. If invisible items and clothing just isn’t your thing, the only alternative you’ve got is to sell these stones. It’s more of a neat, aesthetic touch than anything else. Any item that is crafted or upgraded with an Invisible Stone will be invisible when equipped by your character. Invisible Stones are primarily used for crafting or upgrading items. What Invisible Stone Is Used For in Rune Factory 4 Invisible Stone ore is considerably smaller, however, so make sure you’re keeping your eyes peeled for it. You’re looking for an ore vein that looks similar in color to the grey or black of Iron ore.
It’s also worth pointing out that it is possible to spot the ore vein of Invisible Stone.
Some places you may want to try mining for Invisible Stone are: Unfortunately, neither mining level, nor the quality of your Hammer have been proven to increase your chances of getting Invisible Stone. It’s been suggested that players have to have a mining level of at least 30 before they can get Invisible Stones, while other players have also suggested that improving your Hammer will help increase your chances, too. Invisible Stones are incredibly rare to get, and this means that you’ve simply just got to keep on mining as many ores and rocks as you can in the hope of one dropping. The good news is that there’s no particular method or item you need to get in order to allow you to mine and get Invisible Stones in Rune Factory 4. Getting Invisible Stones in Rune Factory 4 Here’s how to get Invisible Stone in Rune Factory 4. Invisible Stone can be particularly handy, as it enables you to craft some very cool-looking gear indeed, such as the Invisible Sword. There are tons of different items and crafting materials you can acquire in Rune Factory 4.